Monday, June 23, 2014

Having It All

Lots of people say that they want to "have it all". I'm realizing more and more that everyone's idea of what that phrase means differs from person to person.

So what does having it all look like to me?

I want to be able to make enough money to fully support myself, without help from friends or family. I want to enjoy a lifestyle that includes being able to both buy new clothes and wear them to brunch with my friends. I want to be able to enjoy wine night without having to get to bed by 8 pm in order to open the cafe the next morning at 4:30 am. I want an office job, where I feel productive and organized, and nobody is breathing down my neck constantly about television sales. I want to be able to stop at Starbucks in the morning without putting on a green apron. I want to be able to do all of this and continue (and finish!) my final year of college.

It's kind of a tall order, and finding the time to make it happen is challenging. Right now, I have two jobs, so my work week is a little bit insane these days. 

My biggest endeavor is going to be the art of time management. I need to find time to search for and land an office job that both pays well enough to support me and is flexible enough to allow me to finish school. 

Wish me luck.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014


The forecast for today includes heavy rain and severe thunderstorms for most of the day.

Thankfully, this is my first day off in a couple of long, hard weeks. Sure, I'd probably rather my day off to be a gorgeous summer day so that I can go to the zoo with my boyfriend, but I'll take stormy weather as a close second.

I love thunderstorms. The heavier and scarier the better. I love when they happen late at night and everyone wakes up and watches the sky flash.

I really should be spending the day catching up on housework, hanging some pictures, and organizing my wardrobe but this weather is just too perfect for more quiet activities.

For instance, I'm listening to jazz (thanks to Songza), cuddling Moon, updating my blog (obviously) and getting ready to settle in with one of the many books waiting to be read on my windowsill.

How do you like to spend a rainy afternoon?


Sunday, June 15, 2014

Finding A Voice

I've been struggling with this basically since the beginning of this blog. I have a hard time finding the balance between saying too much and too little.

It's hard for me to determine sometimes how much is too much. But then I end up not posting anything, or when I do it winds up being something generic. I've struggled with this a lot on past blogs, sometimes posting WAY too much (some things just don't belong on the internet) and sometimes abandoning blogs altogether because it feels artificial. 

Bear with me, because I'm still finding my footing in the blog world, and I'm still unsure of how "real" I can get before it's all overshare.

But the reality is that life isn't all sunshine and rainbows, and if my blog were nothing but all the great things going on in my life, that would make for some pretty boring reading. Not to mention, inaccurate documentation of my life.


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Green With...Motivation?

I posted on Facebook a few days ago that I have a problem with "yardsticking".

(Yardsticking: comparing yourself to your friends/acquaintances, especially based on posts to social media)

One of my best friends has a cool new office job.

All of my (female) coworkers at one of my jobs are impossibly thin (and one is a model!). 

Another of my best friends just got a new Prius. 

Former coworkers of mine are traveling, buying cute clothes, etc. 

Some of my sorority sisters get way better grades/internships/jobs than I do.

...And I'm completely jealous. I mean absolutely green with envy. I look at my own life in comparison and I feel physically sick. 

Why don't I have a job that I really love? Why can't I buy a new car? Why am I still overweight and unhappy about it? I wish I could afford to buy new clothes and go on trips! My GPA has slipped an entire point, what's wrong with me? I'm never going to get a better job/internship/scholarship...

You get the idea.

But then one late night (because that's always the time I have really introspective thoughts) I realized that I don't have any of those things because of one person:


I don't have a job I love because I'm afraid to do what I need to do to really put myself out there. 

I don't have the body I want because I don't eat a healthy diet and I don't exercise.

I don't have a Prius because I'm still paying off my Hyundai.

I haven't traveled or bought clothes because I don't budget my money wisely (or make enough, but that's a different post...and related to my first point).

My GPA slipped so far because I didn't have or do what was necessary to get good grades (it's hard to study when you legitimately can't afford textbooks...the beginning of the year was rough). I don't apply myself enough.

The only person standing in the way of what I consider successful is myself.
The only person standing in your way is you.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Quarter Life

Please forgive the tardiness of this year's birthday post. It's been a crazy few days!

Traditionally, I like to make my annual resolutions on my birthday. I feel like it's way more productive and less pressure to do them this way. Normally, I would start by
 reviewing last year's resolutions before making new ones, but 24 has been an insane year.

I've had a lot of hard times in the last year, and not much has turned out the way I expected it to. However, I am much happier now that the dust is settling. So instead of looking back, I'd rather look forward this year, in the spirit of optimism.

In my 25th year I would like to:

  • Finally, finally complete my undergraduate degree
  • Make plans to live somewhere other than my hometown
  • Learn more about myself as an individual
  • Continue to keep my anxiety in check
  • Begin to write my first book

I tried for a long time this year to come up with some similar goals, but I'm finding that the more specific my resolutions are, the less likely I am to actually complete them. That's weird right? Oh well.

At least now I can actually say I'm having a Quarter Life Crisis without getting the side eye.

(People give me the side eye anyways).
