Monday, March 3, 2014


I'm really bad at time management.

So bad, that I realized this morning that I have a 5 page midterm due tonight at 5:30. It's currently half past noon and I've written about half of a paragraph.

I can tell that it's midterms season because now is about the time I start seriously weighing the option of just dropping out of college and becoming a stripper. Or a bartender.



It would be great, I would be that one stripper that swears she's putting herself through college, and then I'll be that sad bartender that tells her regular clients all about how she almost had a degree once.

Okay, I'm definitely kidding. I'm going to finish this paper, start the next one that's due at midnight, and then start the one due tomorrow. What in the world would I do without coffee?

However, I should tell you that you should learn from my example: if avoidable, don't decide to take 18 credits in your last semester. Especially when those credits are mostly writing-heavy theory classes. 

You're welcome.
