I've stated before that I don't usually make New Year's resolutions, since I prefer to do them on my birthday. This year, I'm changing it up a little bit.
I still have my birthday resolutions, but this year I'm adding one to begin on the new year.
Right now, I'm at the heaviest weight I've eve been. I feel fatigued a lot of the time, and I generally just don't feel good about myself. My clothes no longer fit, and I get winded every time I have to go up a flight of stairs.
I've had a lot of people look at me and say "oh, you're not fat" or "you don't need to lose weight!". That's a really nice sentiment, and I'm grateful that people aren't flat out telling me I'm disgusting or anything like that, but it isn't really what I need to hear.
I'll be brave for a second: at 4 ft 11 inches tall, I weigh 142 pounds. That puts my BMI at 28.7. Keep in mind that the obese category begins at 29.9 - less than ten pounds away in my case. I'm aware that the BMI is not a definitive measurement, or even completely accurate when taking muscle mass into account - but it is a good place to start. Trust me, I have barely any muscle mass to begin with, and I have a very small frame - any extra weight is guaranteed to be fat and not good for my health.
Not to mention, I have no chance of my insurance covering a surgery that I would like very much to have until I am within a "normal" BMI range. I need to lose approximately 40 lbs before I will be in that range.
I've found that every time I've tried to lose weight in the past, I get to a certain point and forget that I have no self control. I allow myself "treats", and then before I know it, I've gained everything back, and then some. This is going to be a very difficult habit for me to break. I need to be very aware of what I am putting into my body without resorting to my past habit of disordered eating. I need to get my body back into the habit of physical exercise. These are no small feats.
Instead of telling me that I'm beautiful as I am, or that I don't look that big, or that I don't need to "diet", please offer encouragement. Know that I am breaking twenty-four years of bad habits, and that it is going to take an astonishing amount of work on my part. Don't tempt me with fried, sugary, or fatty foods. I have no control when it comes to those and if I'm offered something - especially when I'm afraid I'll seem rude in saying no - I will eat it, and I will feel bad about it later. Please don't try to goad me into eating bagels or fast food. I'm very bad at saying no to myself or to others when it comes to food. I do much better when foods I shouldn't eat simply aren't around.
I think that with the support of those around me, I can do this. I can make a huge, positive change in my life. I have no illusions of this being easy, but I do hope that I can replace some bad habits with some good ones.